Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Good Ol' Bunk Bed Days

Growing up, sleep wasn't my favorite past time. Don't get me wrong, I loved to sleep. It was just the process of getting there that set my nerves on end. Primarily it was the fact that I was terrified of having bad dreams. I remember sitting by my door and crying just loud enough for mom and dad to hear so they would call me into their room to help me get over my fear. After a few years I was able to get past this fear, but a whole new obstacle presented itself in the form of my little sister, Saydie. We shared a room, which was wonderful because we had bunk beds, but she had this lovely habit of not wanting to sleep. Especially when I most wanted to sleep. She would talk, and talk, and ask me to stay awake till at least she fell asleep. I usually would promise that I would stay awake, but end up falling asleep anyways. Sometimes it was quite a frustrating process to get to sleep.
These past two years when I've come home for the summer I'm amazed at how much my younger siblings have grown and how much can change in a few short months. The other night I was able to come home from work and talk to Saydie for a few minutes about life and such and it reminded me of the good old bunk bed days. I love my family and can't believe how blessed I am to have such a fun and kooky one. :)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

awwww we love you too McKayla!