Saturday, October 25, 2008


Right now I am involved in a mentoring program called 4H. It is where we, as mentors, get involved not only with the kids but their families as well. My mentee is named Alex. She is really sweet and has an endless amount of energy, oh and she likes to talk...a lot. :) Once a month their is an m and m activity where we meet with the entire group of mentors and do an activity. Since it is Halloween this month we were able to go down to Salt Lake City and see the dance performance Thriller by Odyssey.

Unfortunately one thing I did not realize was that Alex does not do well with scary stuff. So when we got to the building a dressed up dead girl started following us and Alex freaked out. Luckily the dead people went away if we told them to. The performance was actually really good (except for the dead girl part. But the best part had to be the crazy ride to and from Salt Lake. Here are a few of our awesome pictures. I think we should be models:) We also drove all the guys crazy on the bus with our continuous singing of Taylor Swift so now we are known in infamy as the girls with the Taylor Swift cell phone that never ends.


What do you get when you have a chick flick, a room full of dateless girls, and food? Guys stink/stupid Nights of course! A few of my friends and I have decided that since no eligible bachelors had asked us on dates this weekend we would have a guys stink night and watch chick flicks (a.k.a The Runaway Bride). This entails talking about how guys stink, trying to figure out why they stink, and wishing we were out with a guy that stinks/is stupid. Apparentely, though, this night wasn't nearly as exciting (maybe it has something to do with our love lives) as you can see from the picture. So we will have to see if more G.S.N.S nights continue or not, but if we don't have dates and we get to eat food why not?:)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Wave and Fudge Brownies

Who knew a simple wave and brownies could make a person so happy? My neighbors in my apartment complex always have their kitchen blinds up so you have a clear view into the guys apartment across the street because of course they have their blinds up as well. The only problem being they never look out their window. It got to the point that we began to wonder if they even realized they had a window. My friend Melissa made a bet with me that they would never wave back to me. So of course I continued to wave....and wave....and even dance around the kitchen trying to get their attention to no avail.

Today, though, was different. I continued to wave like an imbecile, but this time a revelation came to one of the guys that there was actually a girl waving to him in the apartment across from him. You'd think he'd been struck by lightning, then he gave the head nod and waved back. Oh but it doesn't end there. I celebrated my success with a few turns and a lot of jumping up and down with Kathy and Melissa. Then testing my luck I waved again..and again. Then more success! I got not only the first guy to wave, but his dumbstruck roommate as well. I felt pretty cool.

How do the brownies fit into this you may ask. Well I had another movie night with my friend Alyssa (watching the wonderful Sydney White) and we made the most delicious fudge brownies with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting on top. As you can tell from the picture they were too good to waste. So it was pretty much the best way to end the day...with a wave (actually two waves) and fudge brownies.

Monday, October 20, 2008

My Magic Word

I love to run, sometimes I wish I could run forever without getting tired. I have a friend who had a dream where she ran so fast she flew. That would be part of my dream, but basically I would like to run as fast as the wind. One thing I'm confused about, though, is why guys decide to hit on girls while they are running. Do they think that this is the time they are weakest and the most willing to agree to a date?
Boy: Hi my name is Tom
Girl: Hi (I don't really want to talk because I can't breathe)
Boy: you like to run?
Girl: Nope, it is the bane of my existance
Boy: What are you studying?
Girl: Nothing I'm running.
Boy: I'm going to be a bio chemical nuclear physicist engineer and minor as a lawyer.
Girl: Fun
Boy: That way I can provide for my future could be a part of that family.
At this point I usually use my new magic word.....Freshmen:). Then the attempting charismatic fellow uses the favorite word of most of the BYU male population, "Oh". He then makes a hasty excuse and sprints away, just like Hermes with a new pair of winged sandles. It is amazing how much energy that little word gives them. It's not that I don't want to go on a date with the guy. Just at that moment I would much rather run then make small talk with a guy who only sees me as a potential mate. So for right now I will keep running until eventually I can run as fast as the wind. Maybe then I can catch up with Hermes.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chemistry Night Owl

When I first moved into my apartment my roomates joked about how they were going to convert me into staying up late. I thought they were kidding, but as you can see it is 12:21 and I don't really want to go to sleep. Oh well writing is a lot more fun anyway.

I love my chemistry class, but when it comes to the actual work I get a little frustrated. So I was able to visit my friend, Alyssa today and attempt to figure it out. I think we did more talking then actually figuring it out, but it was way fun. I even got to watch 'Penelope':). It is this really cute chick flick where the girl gets the guy in the end (of course) even though she has a pig nose.

Very cute show. One thing that's funny though is that Alyssa and I were friends in elementary school (awww recess..the good old days:) and then she moved away, but now she is back at BYU and amazingly we are still friends. Well I should probably be doing my child development review so I'll write more later.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I just thought I'd add something funny that I just remembered. I was talking to my friend Hope and we have decided that we are both cursed when it comes to relationships. She has never had a relationship for more than three months (her current guy is leaving on his mission on the exact day of three months..creepy) and I haven't been on more than four dates. So we have decided that that is the reason we are friends. Ha ha no she is one of my really good friends because she is just awesome. :)

Brrrr BYU

It is freezing! I was able to go to the football game on saturday and it was so cold and so fun. Since I went to the game in the cold weather I am now a true BYU fan (or so says my dad:) We of course kicked butt and it even snowed a little bit! I love the snow I just wish there was enough to make a snowman or have a snowball fight.
I have a pretty exciting FHE group we decided last night that we are going to have spy wars with the other apartments with marshmellow guns. I'm way excited. We even have a water balloon launcher. :) But I think we are going to save that for the summer because it is a little too cold to get soaked.
I also was able to go do baptisms for the dead at the Provo temple this morning. It was really neat because I haven't been in a while and a few guys came with my group of girls and they baptised and confirmed us. I need to go more often, I just need to find the time.
Well that is about as exciting as it gets for now, except for more tests....yaay tests.
Oh and barbecue sauce and cheesy macarroni don't go together. :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy at BYU

Hello sorry about slacking on my blogging. I've decided I am going to try really hard to keep up:).
Well I have made it through an entire month of college. Can you believe it? I've come to realize I can actually play soccer, but have a tendency to foul (possibly a side affect from churchball:)), hot dogs and maccaroni actually go really good together as does pasta and salsa (weird), and apparently I have the marriage vibe.
I have three apartment mates. Amy who is from Fresno, California and has a missionary in Minnessota. Bridget who is one of Amy's best friends and is from Texas (I forget which part, but it is a pretty big state so I think I'm ok). She might be getting married in the summer, but the guy hasn't proposed yet, so we'll see. Finally we are down to my roomate, Sara. She is from Layton, Utah (yeah Utah!) and is the craziest person I have ever met, but a good kind of crazy. All in all I love my roomates and I love living off campus so I don't feel like too much of a scared, little freshmen.
Well that is about it for now. So far no proposals yet so I think I'm circumventing the marriage vibe.:)