Monday, October 20, 2008

My Magic Word

I love to run, sometimes I wish I could run forever without getting tired. I have a friend who had a dream where she ran so fast she flew. That would be part of my dream, but basically I would like to run as fast as the wind. One thing I'm confused about, though, is why guys decide to hit on girls while they are running. Do they think that this is the time they are weakest and the most willing to agree to a date?
Boy: Hi my name is Tom
Girl: Hi (I don't really want to talk because I can't breathe)
Boy: you like to run?
Girl: Nope, it is the bane of my existance
Boy: What are you studying?
Girl: Nothing I'm running.
Boy: I'm going to be a bio chemical nuclear physicist engineer and minor as a lawyer.
Girl: Fun
Boy: That way I can provide for my future could be a part of that family.
At this point I usually use my new magic word.....Freshmen:). Then the attempting charismatic fellow uses the favorite word of most of the BYU male population, "Oh". He then makes a hasty excuse and sprints away, just like Hermes with a new pair of winged sandles. It is amazing how much energy that little word gives them. It's not that I don't want to go on a date with the guy. Just at that moment I would much rather run then make small talk with a guy who only sees me as a potential mate. So for right now I will keep running until eventually I can run as fast as the wind. Maybe then I can catch up with Hermes.


Saydie said...

kayla i had no idea you were such a good writer haha but i asked jace

Lucy said...

I love this post!! You are hilarious!