Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tae Kwan Do and Hometeaching

The most random things seem to happen at BYU like an obsession of High School Musical and David Archuletta or running into a friend you had from elementary school. The other night I had enrichment and we did a get to know the bishopric night. This included interviewing them about how they met their wives and how they proposed. It was very interesting and entertaining. The last part was about them giving us advice on how to 'snag' and guy. The main advice was make yourself available because it is a lot scarier to ask a girl out than we think. Well a girl that a gave a ride to enrichment took that advice literally and that night Natalia took Emily, Melissa, and me to apartment 39 to 'drop off' the extra desert we had from enrichment.
The guys there (Jeremey, Grant, and Eric) are in her FHE group so throughout the night she was attempting to play matchmaker and make Eric sit between Melissa and me. Despite all her attempts we were the only two that shared the coach...well almost:) But I will explain that in a second. So then the conversation went from what guys like about girls (bringing them food and smelling good) and the kind of cologne us girls liked. The room was smelling very potent (each of the guys had to show us all their cologne to decided which was the best)when Natalia agreed to show us some tae kwan do moves. She proceeded to throw each of the guys over her shoulder to the ground including one that was over 6 foot!
I have to admit it was pretty impressive, I attempted and I think I need a little bit more work. Well all this crashing on the floor(with eye of the tiger playing in the background) doesn't usually go unnoticed. So a few minutes later Jigga and Zolton who were hometeaching the apartment below us knocked on our door asked what was up because aparantely all the crashing was making the lights flicker. Well one thing led to another and we ended up having a home teaching lesson from them. At this point Jeremy had returned to the apartment from running and joined me and Melissa on the couch (too bad he has a girlfriend:)
After the lesson and a complicated handshake with Jeremey(and more praise for the dessert we brought who woulda thought it was store bought) Melissa and I made our grand exit. So ended a very interesting night.

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