Saturday, October 30, 2010

I do love my candy

Sorry about being lazy about my blog. It seems that when the most exciting stuff in my life happens I neglect to write about it. But as in the words of some general authority that I should but can't remember 'you should constantly strive to be better the next day.' So I will strive to be a better writer.
A lot has happened since my last post. I am now attending SLCC taking an Art history class (Which is fantastic and has motivated me to do a world tour when I marry a ridiculously rich man some far off day in the future), a French class (c'est magnifique), and a geology class (which is moderately boring except when my teacher brings his doll to class and then it is mildly creepy). Overall I'm loving school. I love to learn and meet the new people. It is a very different environment than BYU. I think I saw more tattoos on one girl than I saw my whole two years at BYU. Apparently they aren't that painful to get...
I also met a boy. My friend Heather lined me up with her husbands cousin, Garren. A cowboy, airplane mechanic from Bluffdale. Cool, huh? :)I dated him for a little over two months. We just clicked which was weird because I haven't really had a connection with a guy since high school. He has a motorcycle, which terrified my parents and a Corvette, which he restored by himself. He is also a decent pool player although I did beat him once (only cause he accidentally hit the 8 ball into the pocket too soon). Right now we are just friends, though, cause I have my mission. So if it is meant to work out it will.
On to some more exciting stuff my mission papers get turned in by my stake president tomorrow! Woot! I can't believe how fast it has come. So I should get my call in about two to three weeks! :) I will definitely write about where I go and who knows maybe I'll be lucky enough to go to Boise, Idaho. :) I hope that I will be able to lose some of my pride so that I can be a useful missionary in the Lord's hands. So so excited.
That's about it for my updates. Work is still wonderful, it is a little hard because a lot of old people have passed away recently. I guess it has something to do with winter. Darn these cold months. We had some little kids come trick or treating at the facility and one of the ladies refused to give them any candy preferring to eat it herself. We tried to convince her that the candy was for the little kids, but she just didn't agree. I can imagine myself doing that when I'm old, I do like my candy. :)

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